
Showing posts from October, 2022


  CLINICAL COURSE OF FIRST STAGE OF LABOR The first symptom to appear is intermittent painful uterine contractions followed by expulsion of               bloodstained mucus (show) per vaginam.  Only few drops of blood mixed with mucus is expelled and any excess should be considered abnormal PAIN:-  Pains are felt more anteriorly with simultaneous hardening of the uterus. Clinically pains are said to be good if they come at intervals of 3–5 minutes and at the height of contraction the uterine wall cannot be indented (दांतेदार बना हुआ) by the fingers. DILATATION AND EFFACEMENT OF THE CERVIX: - ( Effacement is the  thinning and shortening of the cervix . It happens at the end of pregnancy in preparation for childbirth. A pregnant person must be 100% effaced for a vaginal delivery) Progressive anatomical changes in the cervix, such as dilatation and effacement, are recorded                       following each vaginal examination. Cervical dilatation is expressed either in terms of finger