
Showing posts from August, 2021

types of pelvis

    TYPES OF PELVIS GYNAECOID ANTHROPOID ANDROID PLATYPELLOID   1.Gynaecoid pelvis: (50%)   It is commonly known as the female pelvis because that type occurs most frequently in women.   Most suitable for childbirth.   Wider brim.   Ischial spines are blunt   Sub pubic angle is 90º   2.Anthropoid pelvis: (25%)   It favors a posterior position of the fetus.  Oval in shape   Transverse diameter is shorter   Seen in tall women with narrow shoulders   3.Android pelvis: (20%)   It is commonly known as male pelvis because it occurs more frequently in men .  Heart shaped brim   Anterior posterior diameter is shorter   Transverse diameter is wider  Childbirth is difficult  4.Platypelloid (flat) pelvis: (5%)   This type of pelvis is rare.   Kidney shaped brim   Anterior posterior diameter is smaller   Transverse diameter is wider   Not conductive to vaginal delivery

fetal skull

  fetal skull ( भ्रूण की खोपड़ी )  : -  fetal skull is to some extent compressible and made mainly of thin pliable tabular (flat) bones forming the vault. This is anchored to the rigid and incompressible bones at the base of the skull. ( भ्रूण की खोपड़ी कुछ हद तक संकुचित होती है और मुख्य रूप से पतली लचीली टेबुलर (सपाट) हड्डियों से बनी होती है जो vault ( गुंबद ,arch )  बनाती है। यह खोपड़ी के आधार पर कठोर और असम्पीडित हड्डियों के लिए लंगर डाले हुए है।) AREAS OF SKULL: The skull is arbitrarily divided into several zones of obstetrical importance  These are:  Vertex : It is a quadrangular area bounded anteriorly by the bregma and coronal sutures behind. (वर्टेक्स: यह एक चतुष्कोणीय क्षेत्र है जो पीछे ब्रेग्मा और कोरोनल suture से घिरा होता है. लैम्ब्डा और लैम्बडॉइड suture  द्वारा और बाद में पार्श्विका श्रेष्ठता से गुजरने वाली रेखाओं द्वारा।  )  Brow : It is an area bounded on one side by the anterior fontanel and coronal sutures and on  the other side by the root of the nose an


female pelvis :-  pelvis is composed of four bones—two innominate bones, sacrum and coccyx.  These are united together by four joints— two sacroiliac joints,  sacrococcygeal joint  symphysis pubis. The pelvis is anatomically divided into a false pelvis and a true pelvis, the boundary line being the brim of the pelvis. The bony landmarks on the brim of the pelvis from anterior to posterior on each side are— upper border of symphysis pubis, pubic crest , pubic tubercle , pectineal line, iliopubic eminence , iliopectineal line, sacroiliac articulation,  anterior border of the ala of sacrum   sacral promontory                     FALSE PELVIS The false pelvis is formed by the iliac portions of the innominate bones and is limited above by the iliac crests. It has got Mlittle obstetric significance except that its measurements can to a certain extent, predict the size and configuration of the true pelvis. Its only obstetric function is to support the enlarged uterus during pregnancy. Its bo

female reproductive system

  The reproductive organs in female are those which are concerned with copulation, fertilization, growth and development of the fetus and its subsequent exit to the outer world. The organs are broadly divided into:  External genitalia   Internal genitalia   Accessory reproductive organs  External genitalia - The vulva or pudendum includes all the visible external genital organs in the perineum. Vulva consists  of the following:- - the mons pubis, - labia majora, - labia minora,  -hymen - clitoris,  -vestibule,  -urethra and -Skene’s glands  -Bartholin’s glands   -vestibular bulbs .  It is therefore bounded anteriorly by  mons pubis, posteriorly by the rectum, laterally by the genitocrural fold. The vulvar area is covered by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. MONS VENERIS (MONS PUBIS) :-  - It is the pad of subcutaneous adipose connective tissue lying in front of the pubis and in the adult female is covered by hair.  -The hair pattern (escutcheon) of most women is triangu