
Showing posts from July, 2021


  Polio (also known as poliomyelitis) is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. Children younger than 5 years old are more likely to contract the virus than any other group. ,  Karl Landsteiner and Erwin Popper  identified a virus JAN 2011 - Last case seen polio 27 march 2014 - free from polio 20 september 2015 - polio virus second erdicate. Types of poliomyelitis Abortive poliomyelitis:  The mildest form. Nonparalytic poliomyelitis : Symptoms are more severe than abortive, but not as bad as paralytic. Paralytic poliomyelitis: The most severe; may result in permanent paralysis of certain muscle groups, including breathing muscles and leg muscles.  causes poliomyelitis? The poliovirus spreads most often from fecal-oral contact. Usually, this occurs from poor hand washing or from consuming of contaminated food or water. Sneezing or  coughing  also spreads the virus. Your child is most contagious immediately before any symptoms show up and soon afte


  Dengue (DENG-gey) fever is a mosquito-borne illness that occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Mild dengue fever causes a high fever and flu-like symptoms. The severe form of dengue fever, also called dengue hemorrhagic fever, can cause serious bleeding, a sudden drop in blood pressure (shock) and death. Discovery of the Dengue Viruses In 1943,  Ren Kimura and Susumu Hotta  first isolated the dengue virus. These two scientists were studying blood samples of patients taken during the 1943 dengue epidemic in Nagasaki, Japan. family - Arbo-virus 1,2,3,4 most dangerious form of dengue type second. vector - Aedes agypti in world most common species. day time freely early morning and late afternoon. INCUBATION PEROID :- 5 - 6 DAYS MODE OF TRANSMISSION -    Dengue viruses are spread to people  through the bites of infected Aedes species mosquitoes (Ae.   aegypti or Ae.   albopictus) . These are the same types of mosquitoes that spread Zika and chikungunya viruses. Symptoms


Malaria  Alphonse Laveran , a military doctor in France's Service de Santé des Armées (Health Service of the Armed Forces). The military hospital in Constantine (Algeria), where Laveran discovered the malaria parasite in 1880 Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite. The parasite is spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes. People who have malaria usually feel very sick with a high fever and shaking chills. due to cousetive agent female anafilles. 1953 - national malaria  control programme 1958 -  national malaria eridication programme. 2003 - 2004  - national vector born disease programme  1999 - anti  malarial control programme.  MODE OF TRANSMISSION - . vector born disease congenital malaria blood transfussion  INCUBATON PERIOD : -  Plasmodium falciparum (or P. falciparum)  -12 days Plasmodium malariae (or P. malariae) - 28 days Plasmodium vivax (or P. vivax) - 14 days Plasmodium ovale (or P. ovale)  -17 days Plasmodium knowlesi (or P. knowlesi )  - 12 days  SI


  In 1804,  Georg Gottfried Zinke  first transmitted rabies 1  from a rabid dog to a normal one, and from dog to a rabbit and a hen, by injection of saliva. This proved that the disease was infectious. By 1826, Franz Christian Karl Krugelstein (1779–1864) wrote a full account of rabies, with a bibliography of 300 items.   Rabies is a deadly virus spread to people from the saliva of infected animals. The rabies virus is usually transmitted through a bite. Animals most likely to transmit rabies in the United States include bats, coyotes, foxes, raccoons and skunks. In developing countries of Africa and Southeast Asia, stray dogs are the most likely to spread rabies to people. Once a person begins showing signs and symptoms of rabies, the disease nearly always causes death. For this reason, anyone who may have a risk of contracting rabies should receive rabies vaccinations for protection. INCUBATION PEROID :- 2 - 3  WEEKS  signs and symptoms may include:- Fever Headache Nausea Vomiting Ag


  Mump :- .   Mumps is a viral infection that primarily affects saliva-producing (salivary) glands that are located near your ears. Mumps can cause swelling in one or both of these glands Mumps was common in the United States until mumps vaccination became routine. Since then, the number of cases has dropped dramatically. However, mumps outbreaks still occur in the United States, and the number of cases has crept up in recent years. These outbreaks generally affect people who aren't vaccinated, and occur in close-contact settings such as schools or college campuses. Complications of mumps, such as hearing loss, are potentially serious but rare. There's no specific treatment for mumps. In 1934, the etiology of the disease, the mumps virus, was discovered by  Claude D.   Johnson and Ernest William Goodpasture . They found that rhesus macaques exposed to saliva taken from humans in the early stages of the disease developed mumps. Causes Mumps is caused by a virus that spreads easi


TUBERCULOSIS DEFINITION :- 24 march world TB day . Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from person to person through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes. Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from person to person through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes. History of World TB Day. On March 24, 1882,  Dr.   Robert Koch  announced the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria that causes tuberculosis (TB). During this time, TB killed one out of every seven people living in the United States and Europe. INCUBATION PEROID :- 2-6 WEEKS COUSES OF TB :-  A friend, co-worker, or family member has active TB. You live in or have traveled to an area where TB is common, like Russia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin Ame


  Tetanus  is an infection caused by bacteria called Clostridium tetani. When the bacteria invade the body, they produce a poison (toxin) that causes painful muscle contractions. Another name for  tetanus  is “lockjaw”. It often causes a person's neck and jaw muscles to lock, making it hard to open the mouth or swallow. During the same year, tetanus was produced in animals by injecting them with samples of soil. In 1889,  Kitasato Shibasaburo MODE OF TRANSMISSION : - Wounds contaminated with dirt, poop (feces), or spit (saliva) Wounds  caused  by an object puncturing the skin (puncture wounds), like a nail or needle. Burns. Crush injuries. Injuries with dead tissue. INCUBATION PEROID : - 6 - 10 DAY S   SIGN AND SYMPTOMS :-  Jaw cramping. Sudden, involuntary muscle tightening (muscle spasms) – often in the stomach. Painful muscle stiffness all over the body. Trouble swallowing. Jerking or staring (seizures) Headache. Fever and sweating. Changes in blood pressure and fast heart rate.


    Pertussis , also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious respiratory disease. It is caused by the bacterium Bordetella  pertussis .  Pertussis  is known for uncontrollable, violent coughing which often makes it hard to breathe.  pertussis were first described in the 16th century by  Guillaume de Baillou . MODE OF TRANSMISSION. Pertussis  is a very contagious disease only found in humans.  Pertussis  spreads from person to person. People with  pertussis  usually spread the disease to another person by coughing or sneezing or when spending a lot of time near one another where you share breathing space. INCUBATION PEROID :- 7- 14 DAYS SIGN AND SYMPTOMS :- Runny nose Nasal congestion Red, watery eyes Fever Cough Paroxysms (fits) of many, rapid coughs followed by a high-pitched “whoop” sound Vomiting (throwing up) during or after coughing fits Exhaustion (very tired) after coughing fits Dyapnea DIAGNOSIS : - History of typical  signs and symptoms Physical examination Laboratory


 . Diphtheria  is a serious infection caused by strains of bacteria called Corynebacterium diphtheriae that make toxin (poison). It can lead to difficulty breathing, heart failure, paralysis, and even death. CDC recommends vaccines for infants, children, teens, and adults to prevent  diphtheria . The diphtheria bacillus was discovered and identified by  German bacteriologists Edwin Klebs and Friedrich Löffler . INCUBATION PEROID :- 2 - 6 DAYS MODE OF TRANSMISSION : diphtheriae spreads via:  Airborne  droplets. When an infected person's sneeze or cough releases a mist of contaminated droplets, contaminated soil. etc. SIGN AND SYMPTOMS Pseudomembrane  bull neck appreance. A thick, gray membrane covering your throat and tonsils A sore throat and hoarseness Swollen glands (enlarged lymph nodes) in your neck Difficulty breathing or rapid breathing Nasal discharge Fever and chills Malaise DIAGNOSIS :- HC PH C albert stain shick test it is ID test  the dose of the 0.2 ml of shick toxin in

HIV/AIDS Also called: human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Defintion :-HIV/AIDS aslo k/a slim disease.   AIDS is a viral born disease this fetal disease coused by HIV virus. HIV  destroys CD4 T cells — white blood cells that play a large role in helping your body fight disease. The fewer CD4 T cells you have, the weaker your immune system becomes. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier  identified the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS in 1983, while working at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. They originally called it lymphadenopathy associated virus (LAV) 1959 :- The first case of HIV found in dead body in congo africa 1986:- First case of HIV in INDIA channai tamilnadu . 1987 :- AIDS in pusker rajasthan  1992 :- NACO 2004 :- ART START STAGES OF THE HIV / AIDS Stages  of  Infection  – (assuming no treatment) ... Stage  1:  Incubation peroid  :- It is time peroid b/w the entery og the disese agent to occurance frist symptoms in the body. Stage  2: prodroma phase :- in ths phase thew pt shows comman s/s in the body but cli